Committed to Seeing Believers

Experience the Fulness of Salvation

I’m Adelle Brown, a believer in Jesus, a teacher, minister and author of Christian books. As a teenager when I made Jesus Lord of my Life, I instantly knew I was called to the ministry. That same night, I started having unusual experiences. One such example was every time I kneeled to pray someone who I couldn’t see but knew was present started coming towards me. I became afraid and stopped praying. Then I decided to pray under the bed covers. This experience continued for a short time. Even as a child my sister and I use to play church. My sister was always the soloist and I was always the preacher. That’s the way it turned out in our lives when we became adults.

One of my first experiences as a believer in my early teens was a mission’s trip to an island in the Caribbean. That trip sparked my hunger for missions. On that trip I saw the power of God destroy the works of the enemy. I clearly still remember those experiences. After graduating from high school I attended college then Bible School. After Bible School I returned home to visit my grandmother, who was nearing the end of her earthly life. Despite her uncertainty about how long she would remain, I reassured her through faith that I would see her again. After I returned home and saw her, she shortly thereafter went home to be with the Lord. We both got our hearts’ desires. It was a powerful reminder of the reality of God’s Word, world and our shared journey with Him.

Despite struggling with sickness from birth and not expected to live, God had other plans for me. He literally told me “if I would feed on Him, I would live.” That started my journey of healing. Now I’m fulfilling the dream He planted in me. My greatest joy is seeing people’s eyes open to the greatness of God, who always exceeds all imagination. I invite everyone to experience Him. Life with Him is “sweeter than the honeycomb.” This is a new season for strong communities of believers and ministers to emerge with the truth of God’s love which is power. He is truly good.

Develop and Deepen Your Spirituality

It’s time to go beyond your “wildest imagination.” Stop doubting God’s mighty power to work in you. Experience the great magnitude of God’s love in all its dimensions. He will do exceedingly, abundantly beyond your greatest desire, your wildest imagination, your ultimate dream, all you can hope for, even beyond the creative juices in your thoughts. He will outdo all of those because His miraculous power is constantly working within you.

What are you waiting for? Press the tab. Inside this tab are treasures God has for you. They were designed and created specifically for you His child. Press the tab.




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